As part of the second project of my training at the Gaming Campus, We had to create a FPS/Plateform/Puzzle. For this project, we had to be three. This game was developed under Unreal Engine with the technology of blueprints which was a first for me, I had never used Unreal Engine and even less blueprints.
The goal of this FPS is simple. Go from one end of the level to the other using a basic weapon and wacky weapons. If we die, we go back to the previous checkpoint.
At the end of the 3 weeks of the project, we had to have realized as a team a functional FPS, without bugs and including the following elements:
The game has 4 weapons in total: the basic weapon, the Sabra Pearl, the Elemental Gun and the Buginatron. The basic weapon is a conventional assault rifle in order to destroy enemies. The Pearl Sabra is a weapon allowing to teleport. The Elemental Gun is a weapon using the 4 elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth. And finally the Buginatron makes it possible to make the objects intangible. For the distribution of work, we opted for a level each. The Sabra Pearl and the Buginatron gave too much freedom to the player. So everyone has imagined and coded his level according to his weapon. The player can only carry two weapons at a time. In this presentation you will see only the Buginatron.
Concerning the Buginatron, this weapon allows for a limited time to make intangible the object (wall, platforms) it touched. So you can go through it easily. The gun fires round by round. And the player can also load the gun. The charging system is used to increase the intangibility time of the affected object. This feature has been added for future puzzles. If the player remains in the wall when the object becomes tangible again. He is ejected from his entry point into the object. The ejection force is determined by the time the object has remained intangible. The weapon does not work on enemies and the ground, it was not interesting enough to implement it.
The structure of the Level Design follows the philosophy of Mario’s levels namely: Introduction, Development, Twist and Conclusion. Thus, the game starts with a simple platform phase with an enemy on it. The enemy is active only when we reach the first platform to give us an idea of the enemy’s detection zone.
After this passage, we access a mini altar. This one gives us access to the Buginatron. Unfortunately, the door behind us closes. The player has no choice but to test all the weapons he has in his possession to get out. It is indeed the Buginatron that had to be used to make intangible any wall around. This is the introduction to this new mechanism.
Then we access a large phase of platforms developing this idea. The first event is a series of crates that prevent us from going to the next platform. But how? Of course, you have to use the Buginatron. The small particularity is that we realize that the affected object finds all its properties once again normal. As part of the cash register, it can be used as a platform.
And so the platform phase continues with another test where a sheet blocks us the passage. The principle is the same, we make it intangible then we move to the next platform except that this time we use this sheet as a platform to access the next level.
The development of the mechanics is done. Make way for the Twist. After our ascent, the player finds himself facing the ruins of a castle. The music starts and enemies are waiting for us inside.
This third part is an arena with Cactus shooting at us. The Twist is that it is possible to bring down the Cactus by making the objects intangible and thus block them in the walls. After eliminating the enemies, the game can see a platform phase in the distance. Unfortunately, the first platform is too far away. The player will have to find a solution to pass. Encourage him to use the Buginatron to discover secrets in the walls. Behind a wall is a button that allows to activate a moving platform to take the player to the Conclusion.
The Conclusion consists of a phase of fairly hardy platforms with high enemies attacking the player. The platform phase is difficult unless you use the Buginatron to knock them down rather than kill them. That’s the end of the level.
It was my first real video game in 3D in Unreal Engine, it was my first project on Unreal Engine, a better organized project.
I have learned several technical skills :
I have also developed my soft skills:
Even if this one is not perfect. I’m proud of it. I hope you will have fun playing as much as we had fun developing it!
Try it !